18:53: *** STARTED MONITORING *** RCWA Boredom Breaker (w AllStar)

17:49: *** NET OPENED *** RCWA Boredom Breaker (w AllStar)

17:50 AI5HV-GREG M:

N5XQK Memorial Boredom Breaker Net

The next net will begin at 12 noon CST (1800z) on Tue.(January 14, 2025).

RCWA Repeater: FM frequency 147.090 positive offset (+.600) PL=88.5 (Allstar node 49562; Echolink N5XQK-R.)

Direct Connections/Links.

RCWA Allstar node (49562) 24x7

Echolink (N5XQK-R) 24x7.



DMR TGIF 49562

Hamshack Hotline 94002

17:50 AI5HV-GREG M:

This net was started on April 3, 2020 by Johnny Renfro (N5XQK) and the RCWA officers. It was originally planned as a health and welfare check And also as a way to break the boredom during the restrictions of the Covid pandemic. It has evolved into a great daily net that many folks look forward to each day.

17:50 AI5HV-GREG M:

NET Check-in Stats

Jan 13, 2025: 49

Current Month: 654

Days: 1747

Overall check in count: 107,121

Call signs on the roster: 4,422

The roster can be viewed at http://boredombreaker.myaircastles.com/roster

The net control schedule can be viewed at http://boredombreaker.myaircastles.com/NCOschedule

Net Control Schedule Today

2025/01/14 (Tue) - 12pm(1800z) AI5HV (Greg), 1pm(1900z) Alex (K5AVF).

17:50 AI5HV-GREG M: Question of the day: Do you plan to attend HamCation or Hamvention this year ?

17:57 AI5HV-GREG M: Hi Ossie. Do you want me to add you to the net

17:58 KO5SIE-OSSIE: works fo rme .. thanks!

17:58 AI5HV-GREG M: I have you on the list

17:58 KO5SIE-OSSIE: was going to say "hello all" but i guess it is just "hello Greg" for now. 

17:59 AI5HV-GREG M: Hi Ossie

18:03 KI7AY-Jim: please check me in and out here as I am on the fringes of my little clear repeat.

18:06 AI5HV-GREG M: Got it Jim.

18:20 N8BAY-Ralph: Please check in. N8BAY

18:20 AI5HV-GREG M: I have you checked in Ralph

18:23 N5GLO-WILLIAM B: Howdy, Please check in N5GLO

18:23 AI5HV-GREG M: I have you on the list Bill


18:33 AI5HV-GREG M: Thanks you Ray

18:43 AI5HV-GREG M: Hi Grant do you want me to check you in ?

18:44 KC5FM-LLOYD A: Please check me in short time

18:44 AI5HV-GREG M: Lloyd do you want me to check you in ?

18:45 KC5FM-LLOYD A: Yes, please Greg ... on allstar

18:45 AI5HV-GREG M: I have you checked in

18:45 KC5FM-LLOYD A: Thank you

18:54: *** SWITCH TO LOGGING *** RCWA Boredom Breaker (w AllStar)

18:55 K5AVF-ALEX: KO6DVI = Art

18:55 K5AVF-ALEX: Your Welcome! 

18:57 K5AVF-ALEX: Tanka Easta Bunni

18:58 K5AVF-ALEX: Timeout Greg

19:00: *** KC5FM is now offline ***

19:02: *** KC5JVT is now online ***

19:02 KC5JVT-BUTCH: Just show me in for the count only. I've got to go ouside.

19:10: *** N5GLO is now offline ***

19:21 KI7AY-Jim: put me in the queue

19:21 KI7AY-Jim: please

19:27: *** KJ5HNC is now online ***

19:28: *** KJ5HNC is now offline ***

19:44: *** GW8SZL is now online ***

19:47: *** W3ETB is now online ***

19:48 W3ETB-EDDIE T: 73 Alex. Have to head downstairs.

19:48 K5AVF-ALEX: OK Eddie

19:55: *** W3ETB is now offline ***

19:55 KD5AFS-GRANT: Traffic in Plano Tx is a mess

20:00: *** WN4V is now online ***

20:01: *** WN4V is now offline ***