N5XQK Memorial Boredom Breaker Net (Stats)
Check in count for Nov 30, 2024: 43. The count for the month is 1507.
The net has been running for 1703 days with an overall check in count of 104,900.
Count of call signs on the roster is 4,334.
The roster can be viewed at http://boredombreaker.myaircastles.com/roster
The net control schedule can be viewed at http://boredombreaker.myaircastles.com/NCOschedule
The next net will begin at 12 noon CST (1800z) on Sun.(December 01, 2024).
RCWA Repeater: FM frequency 147.090 positive offset (+.600) PL=88.5 (Allstar node 49562; Echolink N5XQK-R; YSF XLXOKL A; Dstar XLXOKL A; DMR TGIF 49562; Hamshack Hotline 94002.)
The RCWA AllStar node (49562) and Echolink (N5XQK-R) are linked in 24 hours a everyday.
Other nodes are linked in at various times during the net. For more information contact your local club repeater or owners.